Where we Stand

The Responsibility of Hunting
Orion exists to protect the future of hunting by providing leadership on ethical and philosophical issues and to promote fair chase and responsible hunting.
We recognize that the wealth of wildlife and experiences that modern hunters now enjoy aren’t mere coincidence.
We stand on the shoulders of pioneers from the last century who had the forethought and wherewithal to understand the importance of fair chase and responsible and sustainable hunting.
As our founder put it
" I wanted people to know what a great privilege hunting is, and how much work it took to restore America's broken wildlife system. By the time I was born, we had cleaned this place out of wildlife. Now we have urban deer, bears in orchards and goose poop on every golf shoe in Montana. That's no accident. It was a choice people made."
– Jim Posewitz
Therein lies the Orion methodology, we host intelligent and far-reaching discussions and presentations to cause hunters, non-hunters and all others to closely examine issues that affect the public perception of hunting and its relevance in today's society.
Owning The Conservation Ethic
One of the major shifts in today’s discussions of hunting has been that the state and federal agency advocacy has long since given way to nonprofit advocacy. Groups like Orion, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, the Pope and Young Club, Boone and Crockett Club and the others that make up the American Wildlife Conservation Partnership have been, and will continue, leading the way.
This shift signals that the people themselves now own the conservation ethic.
Conservation was introduced from the top down, from people like Teddy Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, but now it's trickled down and it's embedded in the people.

"The people themselves have taken ownership"
"They've said, 'No way, we're not going to let this conservation ethic die.' "
-Jim Posewitz

Keeping The Conservation Ethic Alive
Hunter-conservationists such as Theodore Roosevelt, Aldo Leopold, Jay "D'ing" Darling, and Jim Posewitz, have kept the flame of the conservation ethic alive in the public's mind.
Orion seeks to continue that tradition and to grow the engagement of modern hunters in pursuit and support of this strong ethic.
As we see it, a strong conservation ethic leads to a strong ethic in each member of society to embrace those hunters that embody the principles of fair chase and responsible behavior.
Reaching Our Audience
Orion is investing in educating hunters, fish and wildlife professionals, mainstream media and the general public through the sponsorship of programs, presentations, and the growth of online communications and resources to support modern day hunters who also recognize the ideals that those pioneers before us laid forth. By getting involved, you can help Orion as we continuing to expand our reach and to engage an ever-growing number of ethics-minded, responsible hunters from our generation and the generations that are yet to come.